The McGrady Family: Tyler, Cara, Hudson & Sadie

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What a difference a week can make!!!

Long story short: Hudson James McGrady is here!  He arrived at 2:33 AM on May 25th!  {Guess that pedicure and pineapple really did work!}
We're pretty busy keeping up with our little man at the moment, but I'm going to try to find time soon to post all the exciting details!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers as we get to know our new little bundle of boy!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Feeling like a lost library book these days.......

Yup.  I'm over-due.  Sure, it's only by one measly day.... but-- I was fully expecting to have this baby a week & a half ago. 
Yesterday I was feeling marvelous.  My mom & I braved the crowds at Old Navy to snag some $1 flip flops.  Even Tyler ended up with two pairs!  {Who knew he'd even consider wearing flip flops?!?  It was just last summer when he got his first pair of sandals... and his very first pair of khaki shorts.  Those took some convincing...}  Now, if this miserable swelling would just go away, I might actually be able to put my new flippies on my feet!  Bah, humidity.  I used to dislike it because it did terrible things to my har-- now it's my arch-nemisis due to the havoc it wreaks on my body {especially my feet & hands}.
After shopping & doing some major kitchen cleaning, I treated myself to a looooovely pedicure yesterday.  Maria & Amy came along & it was a blast.  We got to catch up & have our legs & feet massaged with oranges and hot stones.  {Ahhhh.... yes.}  Plus, now I'm not paranoid about the Labor & Delivery nurses being terrified my feet.  Who doesn't love a cute little french manicure on their tootsies?!? 
Tomorrow I'm scheduled for my first NST {Non-Stress Test} to make sure the baby is doing alright.  Basically they're just going to hook me up to two monitors: one to check the baby's heartrate and one to see if I'm having any contractions {Oh, please!  Oh, please! Let me be having some contractions!!!} 
Then on Thursday, I'll go back in for my regular {?} weekly appointment, another NST, and an ultrasound to see how big this stubborn little baby is getting to be.  I already know it weighs at least 12 pounds.  At least. 
Today, despite the fact that I feel as thought I've been hit by a truck, I've been eating pineapple & drinking raspberry iced tea {both supposedly are labor-inducing} and there's a watermelon in the fridge for later.  Hey, at this point, I'm pretty much ready to try any "natural induction" suggestions I'm given. 
Today when we were out & people asked me when I'm due, I'm kind of enjoying saying, "Umm, yesterday."  They get all panicky and act like they're going to have to catch a baby any second.  Oh, silly people.  No worries.  I have a feeling this baby isn't coming out any time soon.  {Although, my puffy swollen fingers are crossed that it will!}

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I will not think about why this baby isn't here yet...I will not think about why this baby isn't here yet...I will not think about why this baby isn't here yet...I will not think about why this baby isn't here yet...I will not think about why this baby isn't here yet...I will not think about why this baby isn't here yet...I will not think about why this baby isn't here yet...

Okay.  Well, I can't help but think about it... especially considering I've been having contractions since I got up this morning.

So--- in order to keep my mind off of why this baby isn't here yet, I decided to post about American Idol.  Yup.  The whole time I've taught at PCA, we've done a contest where everyone in our lunch group chooses 2 contestants from the Top 12.  When both of your contestants are voted off, you have to bring in lunch for everyone.  It's a friendly competition and a fantastic way to eat fabulous meals at school. 

My first year at PCA, I chose David Cook {annnnnd one of these people, but honestly, I can't even remember who it was.}  And well, I won! Okay, so technically David Cook won... but I did too. 

Last year I chose Danny Gokey & Anoop Desai.  Unfortunately, the guy no one wanted to pick, ended up winning it all.  Go figure. 

This year, I was a little unsure of who to choose right off the bat.  A couple contestants seemed promising, but I just couldn't decide.  {Initially, I liked Andrew Garcia... based soley on the fact that he made Paula Abdul's "Straight Up" sound amazing.}  I took it upon myself to do a little investigative research... and I found this:  Lee DeWyze singing in what looked to be a little college bar.  Oh.  That voice.  Immediately, I was hooked.  He was my first pick.  But who to choose as my second?  That's where my husband came in handy.  He had liked Crystal Bowersox's Janis-Joplin-Hippy-Earth-Mama vibe from the get-go.  So, at his advice, I picked her.  {However, I must say, he's also been converted to a Lee fan now.}  And.... whaddaya know... look who's in the top 2! Lee & Crystal. So basically, I swept the competition. I win! No matter what!

On Tuesday night when the final three sang, we missed the first half of the show. I was very excited to see Lee's version of "Halelujiah," but I kept wishing he had done "Simple Man"at some point during the competition {I had already fallen in love with this version I found online.}   While they were rolling the playbacks of the previous songs from the night, imagine my surprise {and giddiness!} when they showed this!

Here's looking forward to watching next week's American Idol season finale with our new little bundle of joy!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Caution: The following post is pretty much just one big miserable, unhappy vent.... Read at your own risk.

Today, by far, has got to be the worst day of this entire pregnancy.  Here are the top ten reasons why:

1. My due date isn't until Saturday.  So technically, at 39 weeks,  I have nothing to complain about.  I've heard of women being 42 weeks pregnant.  I think I will just die if this happens to me.
2. I haven't slept well since about the middle of March.  Last night's sleep was especially awful due to a wretched migraine, a too-hot blanket & being just plain uncomfortable. 
3. I am absolutely gigantic.  Every article of clothing I own looks & feels disgusting on me.
4. My allergies have me stuffed up & unable to breathe normally & the Tylenol Sinus just ain't cuttin' it. 
5. Two gals who were due after I am already had their babies--one yesterday, one today. {Why, yes, I am jealous.}
6. I swear, if even one more person asks me, "So, why haven't you had that baby yet?"  I am going to jam my fist down their throat.  I don't care if they're well-meaning or joking.
7. It's raining.  Always a bummer... pregnant or not.
8. It's also a Monday......again, a bummer no matter what.
9. I am on "maternity leave" from school.  This means I'm at home with no one to talk to except the dog.  {She doesn't say much either.}  Therefore, I have the worst case of cabin fever since we had that week of snow days back in February.
10. I'm paranoid about every little twinge and ache.  So far, none of it has meant anything indicating labor is iminent.
I've heard of Post-Partum Depression.... but what about Pre-Partum Depression?

Keep your fingers crossed for me, please.  Mine are too swollen & puffy to do any crossing of their own...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ugh... False Alarm.

4:45 AM-  Serious contractions....  about 4-5 minutes apart, took my breath away & lasted until I was wheeled {yes, wheeled} to the maternity ward.  Then.... nothing.  Not a pain, not a twinge... absolutely nothing. 

Tyler & spent a good 3 1/2 hours in the birthing suite this morning...and still, no baby.  {*Sigh*}  I really, really thought I was in labor.  One of the doctors mentioned that some people show up to the hospital thinking they're in labor 5 or 6 times before the "real" thing actually happens.  {I decided then & there that I refuse to be one of these people.}
I walked around the maternity ward at least 30 times, hoping to jumpstart something...anything.  We strolled by the nursery & peeked in... 5 babies.  All boys.   I figured that meant there was a really good chance that we would break the cycle & have a girl.  Well, whaddaya know... about an hour or so later, the gal in the room beside us had her baby & we heard, "It's a girl!!!!"  So now we're still not sure what to expect!

Today was also my first day of {slightly unexpected} maternity leave from school.  I really wasn't planning on being off until next week, given that next Saturday is my official due date.  Buuut, I think it is probably a good thing considering I think I frightened some of my students each afternoon with my incredible, swelling feet.  "Geez, Mrs. McGrady," one of them would always say, "your feet are a lot bigger than they were this morning."  {Yep, thanks for noticing, Kid.} 
God bless my sub who started her time with my class on "Pajama Day," my day with only one special & the day they *thought* I was having a baby. {I can only imagine what her experience was like....}  However, I was pretty prepared & had an entire storage container of plans & activities.  She's also an awesome sub & I'm positive she will be fantastic-- so that's a stress reliever for me.  I do miss my kiddos though... hopefully this baby will arrive soon (!!!) & I'll get to go back at least a few times to see them before school is out.
My plans for tomorrow include a LOT of walking.  Today's yucky weather {and my hideous lack of sleep} put a bit of a damper on much moving around, but I think I'll be up for it tomorrow-- anything to meet this baby sooner!!!  We'll see what happens!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

37 Weeks... and counting...

Really?  It's only Thursday?  I feel like it should be next Tuesday on account of all the things I've gotten done this week.  On Tuesday, my third graders presented their Wax Museum.  It was incredible!  This is my third year doing the Wax Museum at PCA & I'm still always amazed at the creative ideas my kids come up with!  I was so proud of them!!! 

On Tuesday, I also found out that Applebee's appreciates teachers!  My friends, Megan & Maria, & I decided to go there & whaddaya know-- we got free dinners--just for being teachers.  {Gotta ♥ that!}

Yesterday was my 37 week OB appointment.  Apparently this little baby isn't exactly so little anymore.  Instead of measuring spot-on as I have been for the last... ohh, 10 weeks, my baby bump is now measuring about a week ahead of schedule.  I'm hoping this is a good thing--as in, maybe the "big day" isn't too far away.... and not a terrifying "10 and a half pound newborn" kinda thing. 
I'm juuuuuuuuust about finished with my "just-in-case" sub plans for next week & the following week.  Wow.  What a lot of work those were.  Trying to figure out {& explain to someone else} everything that needs to be done before the end of the year was a bit {okay, really seriously} overwhelming.  Luckily, the sub who will be coming in for me is awesome. 

My due date is still 2 weeks and 2 days away... but honestly, I wouldn't mind meeting this little one before then.  In fact, I'd prefer it.  People keep telling me their "Old Wive's Tales" of how to jump-start labor.  Some of them seem weird... and a few of them, just downright unpleasant (Castor Oil?  Yuck!).  I am intrigued by fact that people keep telling me to eat pineapple if I want this baby to show up anytime soon.  I actually stopped at the Farmer's Market after school today to pick up this mythical little fruit.  We'll see what happens I suppose...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ummm... it's May!

The baby will be here THIS month!  {Well, hopefully!  Hoping & wishing & praying I don't have to be pregnant until June!!!}  Lots of exciting things were accomplished today.  We are now even *more* ready for this baby to make his or her big debut!  Last night I got a little freaked out.  I started having contractions {that hurt} and they started coming about 8-12 minutes apart.  {All I could think about was the fact that I wasn't completely done with my sub plans & that my students have their Wax Museum on Tuesday!  And I WANT to be there!}  Even my easy-going, even-keeled husband must have been a little concerned because he started keeping track of the timing part for me.  Luckily enough, I think they were just some intense Braxton-Hicks and I don't think we'll be seeing Baby McGrady anytime too soon.  However, I think it scared us enough to light a fire under us.  Being kicked into gear is apparently a good thing!  Here's all the stuff we got done just TODAY:

1. We put up one of our new baby Sadie gate between the kitchen & the living room.  I must say, it looks sooo much better than the box that used to be there.  {Just hoping that Sadie will be as terrified as the gate as she was of that dumb box.

2. My mom made the crib skirt!  It's so stinkin' cute & matches the bedding perfectly.  It makes the whole room look a lot more finished {plus we can store things under the crib without it looking so cluttery.  Yes!}  I ♥ it!  Thanks, Mom!!!
Here's a pic:

3. Tyler & I installed the car seat into my Explorer.  It still has the little Yoda in it.  I figure I'll get used to riding with a little passenger for a while.  It was pretty simple to install actually.  Now I just need to put up the adorable baby mirror so I can keep an eye on my little backseat driver.

4.  Tyler hung up the baby's mural in the nursery.  Sue, the Art teacher at my school, painted it & gave it to me at my Pittsburgh themed shower.  I love that it's personalized!  It also has 1 Corinthians 9:25 going down the side.  Precious.  This kid is going to be a Steelers fan from the get-go!


5.  We also put the mobile up in the crib.  My friend, Tara, got it for us & it is soooooo cute!  Gotta love the giraffe theme we've got going on.