I ♥ long weekends....
Ahh, what a relaxing weekend this has been. Tyler was off Friday, Saturday, Sunday *and* Monday. He spent a good portion of the weekend working on our footer/retaining wall. Oh, and I did ask him what exactly the footer's purpose was & he said, "It holds the wall up, dear." I'm guessing the "dear" part means that perhaps I should already know that....
I spent my Friday evening at the good old Big Butler Fair with Megan-- gotta love those Clarks. They put on a good show & it was an awesome night out. {Thanks, Meg!} I also spent some "Mommy-gets-out-of-the-house" time doing a little shopping... mostly browsing, but a little shopping. I found a gift card for New York & Co. from two Christmases ago & whaddaya know... still had $25 left on it! I got myself a cute pair of capri's, two tops & necklaces to match! Can't beat a good deal... especially when you've got a gift card!
Hudson was also busy this weekend. He did some swimming on the Fourth & took up a new hobby... smiling! The only picture-taking device I had near me was my cell phone & I managed to get a few cute pics of his little grins. Here's my favorite:
Today was also my MyFitnessPal.com weigh in day. I've been working really hard to keep track of all my calories & get my exercise in. But, I was still a little skeptical about how it would all turn out--especially since I treated myself to a strawberry ice cream cone yesterday at Jordan's in Kittanning {they have the BEST ice cream!}. Welp, I hopped on & I was four pounds lighter than I was last Monday. Woo hoo! I was thrilled. Goodbye, baby weight! I still have a few more to go, so I'm really looking forward to {hopefully} starting back up with Zumba this week!
Speaking of starting back up with things.... a little over a year ago, I fell in love with a site called Etsy. It's basically an online craft show {and I ♥ craft shows!!!} I bought a ton of stuff for our wedding on Etsy {my garter, bridesmaid's earrings & gifts, candy buffet labels, etc} and for a short time, I even had my own shop. Unfortunately, I didn't time things very well {who knew the week before your wedding isn't the time to be entreprenurial?} & I got suuuuuuuuuper stressed & had to close up shop. I did sell quite a few things {a lot more than I expected to!} and the whole experience {minus it being smack in the middle of pre-wedding chaos}, was fabulous. Well, considering I do have a lot more time on my hands these days {even if it is in the middle of the night}, I thought I might give it another go. I'm working on getting some items posted & creating new listings for sale. I'm really excited about it because I think it will be a fantastic creative outlet... and will hopefully bring in a little cash too! I even designed my own logo.... Here's a sneak peek! 

{You'll have to wait until I'm all ready before I unveil the name though. Tyler thought it was cute... but I don't think my mom quite understood it.... so I guess we'll see how it goes over... eventually.}
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