When Hudson was born, people kept telling me that the only way to stay sane & un-sleep deprived was to sleep when he slept. I tried it once or twice & just felt like I was wasting precious "get-something-done" time. We're incredibly {in-cred-ib-ly!} lucky to have a baby that sleeps through the whole night just about every night. {He fell asleep at 8:30 last night & didn't wake up until after 7 today. ♥!} He is also a good napper. His excellent sleeping skills leave me with some extra time on my hands most days. As a new SAHM {blog-speak for 'Stay At Home Mom'}, I like to stay on top of things & like to find ideas that are unique, creative & fun. I tend to turn to the internet.
I've seriously become addicted to a few blogs & as crazy as it sounds, these gals have really inspired me to try new things {hence this blog & all those insane cupcake recipes I've been posting} and to not feel bad that I made the choice to stay home with my baby.
While the little guy is out like a light, I decided that I would introduce you to a few of my favorite blogger gals in hopes that maybe you'll like them too.
PS: I'm sorry that
Amanda from
Favorite. Website. Ever. Seriously, I *just* want to meet this gal. She is all kinds of incredible. From her amazingly adorable free fonts, to her home decor, photography & website tutorials, delicious recipes, to her cute Boston Terriers... *sigh* I just ♥ her. Amanda's scrapbooking room {yep, she has an entire ROOM devoted to scrapbooking} makes my eyes tear up just a bit. I can't even begin to add enough links to show you how talented she is. Just spend some time on her blog. You'll see what I mean. {Today's post is a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes. Be still, my little heart!!!}
Ree aka The Pioneer Woman
This woman is insanely talented. She cooks, she bakes, she photographs, she homeschools & she writes. I *adore* her writing style. If you get a chance, you need to read her multi-part rendition of how she & her husband met started dating & got married. I especially love the photography portion of her site. The funny photos that she features are just hysterical!
Michelle from Brown Eyed Baker
A Pittsburgh gal who makes the *cutest* cookies that even the men-folk would appreciate. Michelle recently posted these incredible Steelers jersey cookies. She even included my absolutle fav, Brett Keisel! She has made Steelers logo cookies, and even Pittsburgh Penguins cookies! I *need* to get these cookie cutters!!! I love that she includes tutorials on her website so that if you're just a beginner {like me}, you'll still be able to follow along without getting frustrated. This royal icing tutorial is my #1 choice!
Bakerella {She doesn't even need a first name. She's just that cool.}
This woman started out just putting her cake pops on her blog to show them off a little. Now she's an internet sensation! She's been on Martha Stewart's show, featured on about a bajillion websites & blogs & she has a new book out. I can not wait to get her book! For my bridal shower, my mom & I made the cake pops & they were a huge hit! Yum! My all-time favorite cake pops are these adorable little chicks! You MUST check these out--and perhaps even try your hand at making them!
Shelley, Missy & Alison from How Does She?
Can we just take a moment to discuss how *incredible* this cake is? I would probably pass out if I made it & it turned out like this. This website has so much stuff to share! From crafts, to holiday ideas, to date ideas, to recipes {like that gorgeous cake!!!}, this site has it all. I like how everything is organized and I really love that there's more than just one contributor. I really enjoy the decorating ideas. And... being the... um, slightly unorganized gal that I am.... I do love her organizing hints. {I'm trying!!!}
Hopefully after reading this post, you'll feel inspired & will check out these blogs from time to time!